Welcome to Angel PAWS! Adoption Center: 490 Inman Ave. Colonia NJ 07067
Our Mailing Address: PO Box 282 Colonia NJ 07067 732-340-1199 Angel PAWS 2023 Tricky Tray Sunday Nov. 5th This event is sold out! Attendees, please use the link below to print out the APAWS 2023 Tricky Tray Program. Printed programs will not be available at the event. Angel PAWS is always looking for volunteers. If you would like learn more about what volunteering at the pet adoption center is like, please click on the video which was created by Jessica Cruz, Malia Coghlan and Lilyanna Roque as part of their Girl Scout Silver Award Project. Great job, ladies! Angel PAWS is currently focusing on cats only. If you are interested in volunteering with dogs please go to Petfinder.com to look for other rescues working with dogs. Click here to Apply to volunteer at Angel PAWS. If you have submitted an online volunteering application and have not received a call back please call us at 732-340-1199 and let us know. We are experiencing temporary difficulties with our online application. A volunteer will call you and email the application to you to fill out and return to us. Thank you for your patience. 2/9/23
If you are interested in adopting, you
can speed up the adoption
process by filling out our PAC hours are M~F 7PM-8:30PM and S/S noon-3PM.
Our Mission... To promote the humane treatment and care of animals as pets, provide a safe haven for those in need and educate and assist their human friends. We believe every animal has the right to be wanted before it is born and the right to a loving home. A little bit about us... Angel PAWS is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, all volunteer organization dedicated to relieving the suffering of and finding permanent homes for stray, abandoned and homeless animals. We were founded in July, 1999, by two dedicated rescuers who, combined, have over 40 years of rescue experience both on their own and in other rescue organizations. The founding members felt there was a need to bring a new, progressive style of animal care to the community. In addition, we are NJ State Certified Animal Control. Where we are located... Angel PAWS has a Pet Adoption Center located on Inman Avenue in Colonia. It is a perfect little animal haven for our cats and an information center for adoptions and pet care for visitors. Please call for visiting hours! Our dogs live in foster homes where their temperaments, habits and training are evaluated. We also keep our Moms and kittens (and those cats that prefer a private kingdom) in foster homes. Click here if you would like to know more about fostering. Why we are unique... Angel PAWS P.A.C. is set up in the progressive style of animal sheltering. Watch out when you visit!! Don't be surprised if you get swatted from above or an ankle ambushed from below! After a quarantine period, completed medical care and an acclimation period, cats are welcome to roam the facility freely: lying in the windows for a little sun, snoozing on comfy beds, running up and down the stairs, or surveying their domain from above on the catwalk (coming soon). Guests can sit amongst the cats and play and learn the cat's purrsonality. We also do adoption events at pet supply stores and animal related events such as cat shows and pet fairs and by special arrangement. A few important "we's"... Which brings us to our wish list... If you would like to know more about fostering with Angel PAWS, please read our FAQ's about fostering. send us an email |